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Látogatók száma: 36

Throw my dead flowers off, Desiree,
their life was my life, the scent we breath.
Now, they yearn after fading away,
redeem my roses Desiree, please.

Lay them the autumn litter upon,
don’t tout secrets of the stirring leaves,
let the cuddle of glowing dreams alone,
until the fire died down beneath.

Like lovers at dawn, they will be gone,
hiding in rains and the warmish breeze,
for next spring on the earth they lay low
leaving behind some sweet memories

where innocent petals will be blown.
Their life is the life, the scent we breath,
just lay the mantle out on the lawn.
Redeem her flowers Desiree, please.


A cikket írta: Juhász András Géza

1 szavazat



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